Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Opinion: Would You Let Your Significant Other Dress You?

Poor Kim Kardashian, that chick cannot catch a break.  If she sneezes too hard in public everyone gets up in arms and next thing you know there's an E! News special about it.  As of late she's been getting a lot of negative backlash for allowing her boyfriend Kanye West to completely make over her closet and style her.  Now I understand this for a number of reasons.  First, Kim has gotten bashed on blogs and fashion shows alike for playing it too safe and not taking enough fashion risks.  Hence, I could understand her need to want to try something different, and who better to assist her with that than Kanye West?  I guess we've all forgotten that he has produced a clothing line of his own and collaborated with reputable designers on their lines.  Second, I think that at age 32 after two failed marriages and a biological clock ticking like a bomb she's more willing to go along with what her dude wants.  Let's be honest we've all made some questionable decisions when it comes to love and keeping your man happy.  Also, their relationship is highly publicized; hence, they really get the people going when they step out looking like opulence and a good time.  Therefore, having everyone believe that he styles her just makes people thirsty to see more potential fashion faux pas.  If my boyfriend had a good eye for fashion and wanted to buy me an entire wardrobe of clothes just so that I can look good for him I don't think I would knock it.  Again some of us have sacrificed far more for far less of a man (let's be real here).  Now would I let my dude throw ALL of my clothes away? Probably not, but I would certainly oblige him from time to time and dress in a way that's appealing to him.  I'm not quick to knock anyone for their decisions in love or fashion.  If it looks good to you and it makes you happy, do you.  So what if you go out with your bare ass showing (no shade but we did see her whole ass).  If you like it I love it. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Sure...I've let her do it a couple times. Some bad...some good hahaha
