Monday, December 10, 2012

Things I Covet: Red Fur Coat

One of my all time favorite movies is The Devil Wears Prada. The fashion in that movie is to die for! Although it premiered in 2006 all of the looks are still incredibly relevant, and I would still love to have 99.9% of the looks featured in the film. One of the many pieces that always stood out to me was this red fur coat that Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep's character) was wearing when she walked into her office in one scene. Low and behold I am cruising through one of my favorite fashion blogs and I see Rihanna wearing a red fur coat. Although the two coats are two totally different styles, my heart still skipped a beat when I saw it. This my friends is why I live for classic looks, because six years later I am still yearning for a red fur coat.

Sneaker Teaser

Teyana Taylor just posted another sneak peak of her Addidas along with the official name. The Harlem GLC Addidas x Teyana Taylor are still slated to drop on 2/16/2013. I'm still intrigued and also interested to find out the price of these sneakers.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Love It or Leave It?

This is branding at its finest. Kim Kardashian posted Instagram pics today sporting a Givenchy top, Kardashian Kollection leggings, her favorite Christian Louboutin's, a gold Rolex, and Celine and Louis Vuitton cuff bracelets. I'm always a fan of celebs combining high end and low end, but I'm really loving all of the gold hardware. What do you think?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giuseppe Zanotti x Kanye West

Trendsetter Kim Kardashian recently revealed Kanye West's latest collaboration with my favorite shoe designer Giuseppe Zanotti via Instagram. This is Mr.West's second time collaborating with the designer and he has named this shoe Cruel Summer after his latest album. I absolutely love that the shoe features the same color and intricate architectural type designs as the album cover. That is branding at its finest. There is no information available yet on the price or availability of the stilettos but darn I'm thirsty for a pair. Most people steer clear of white shoes, but I'm loving these, and I can't wait to see how the celeb fashionistas rock them. What do you think? Love them or leave them?

Adidas x Teyana Taylor

It looks like Teyana Taylor is following in the footsteps of her label CEO Kanye West and has collaborated with Adidas to create her own sneakers. Earlier today she posted a pic of a pair of bronze colored sneakers with a snakeskin like texture and really cool laces up the back of the shoe. According to her Instagram they are slated to be released February 16, 2013. I commend her for building the suspense about what the actual shoe looks like in its entirety, because I'm hella juiced to see them. I have really grown to love her style so I'm expecting for them to be epic cute.

Friday, November 16, 2012

To Bey or Not to Bey: How do you feel about BADDIEBEY?

Last week Queen Bey caused quite a frenzy in the social network scene when she joined Instagram under the name BADDIEBEY.  Her posts have revealed a new look and a new more urban side of Beyonce' and I am fully on board with the relaxed style and persona that she presents on Instagram.  Of course not everyone shares my sentiments, as some people feel that she is trying to steal Rihanna's swag (for lack of a better word) and some have even gone so far as to say that she's being fake by taking on this new Instagram personality.  I think it's refreshing to see another side of Beyonce', because we typically see her poised, polished, and glammed up.  As a new mom with a schedule that some of us could only dream about I'm sure she wants to relax and be a little more herself.  So what she wants to wear a bottom grill from time to time and who cares if she wants to put up her five inch stilettos for equally expensive flats?  Even her kicking around and working in the studio clothes are chic and trendy, and they are exactly what I would expect to see her wearing in a relaxed setting.  As far as the Rihanna comparisons, other than the incorporation of the word "bad' in their IG names I fail to see where Bey is even remotely channeling Rihanna.  We have to keep in mind that Queen Bey is still a Texas girl and she is married to Jay Z so it's not like she pulled this urbano chic style out of nowhere.  Did it ever occur to anyone that much like the rest of us she is evolving and wanted to try a new look, or say hey this is another side of me?  Or hell did it every occur to anyone that it's just a damn picture and you need to relax?  I think I just turned up for no good reason (I tend to do that from time to time).  At any rate here are the infamous looks so you can form your own opinion.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bond Girl: Naomie Harris

There are many things that I fancy in this life. Three of them are: being a black woman, spy movies, and fashion. Therefore, you simply must understand my obsession with one of the new Bond girls, Naomie Harris given that she is a trifecta of three of my favorite things. The British born actress is the newest addition to the Bond girl sorority (plus the fifth black Bond girl since the movies began) and she is in good company as most of those women are stunning. Her fashion choices for her promotional appearances for the new Bond movie "Skyfall" have been amazing, not to mention her flawless makeup and hair. I am looking forward to seeing how she will be styled in the actual movie, but if it is anything like how she has been styled in real life I know I'll be pleased.


"It is when you feel your worse that you should look your best."

Friend: It was all good just a week ago. He was calling and texting all day everyday.  We were spending all of this time together, and out of nowhere it just stopped.  Next thing I know he's kicking it with some other chick.  I'm so sad.  What should I do?

Me: Always look pretty.

Now this may just be an epidemic in Atlanta but I swear to you I hear this conversation more often than you think.  I attribute it to the fact that there are far more women than men; hence, guys have more choices than we do so they are at liberty to explore their options far more than we are.  Now this is not only true from a statistical standpoint but from a societal standpoint as well.  Women are not afforded the luxury of being serial daters without gaining a few unsavory labels, and most women cannot date or have sex without the emotional attachment that comes along with it.  Such is the plight of a woman le sigh.  I get tired of seeing girls so down in the dumps especially since I've been there.....hell let's be real I just left there.  The answer to your problems is not in the bottom of a bottle of moscato (which you shouldn't be drinking anyway yuck) or in a pint of ice cream or any of those other stereotypical things that we think will take away the pain of lost love.  In my experience the best revenge is looking good, not necessarily for the other person but for yourself.  Think about how epic the first day of school was for you as a kid.  You were hella juiced the night before the first day of school simply because you couldn't wait to show off your new look for the year.  You had a fresh outfit, a new hairstyle, new kicks and all was right in the world.  It's pretty much the same concept just in adult life.  Now I don't labor under the delusion that a well executed look will solve all of your problems, but it will certainly get you started on the path to getting your life again.  When you are confident in your outer appearance you feel good and you give off positive energy.  That positive energy attracts more positive energy, and that's what you need to get out of you rut.  No one really wants to be around a bitter chick, and that inlcudes your friends and any possible new prospects.  So take a moment (and I mean a moment life is too short to be sad too long) get your self together, get dolled up, and let the positive energy flow.  If this sounds completely shallow to you then hey I understand but give it a try the next time you're feeling down.  What do you have to lose?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Opinion: Would You Let Your Significant Other Dress You?

Poor Kim Kardashian, that chick cannot catch a break.  If she sneezes too hard in public everyone gets up in arms and next thing you know there's an E! News special about it.  As of late she's been getting a lot of negative backlash for allowing her boyfriend Kanye West to completely make over her closet and style her.  Now I understand this for a number of reasons.  First, Kim has gotten bashed on blogs and fashion shows alike for playing it too safe and not taking enough fashion risks.  Hence, I could understand her need to want to try something different, and who better to assist her with that than Kanye West?  I guess we've all forgotten that he has produced a clothing line of his own and collaborated with reputable designers on their lines.  Second, I think that at age 32 after two failed marriages and a biological clock ticking like a bomb she's more willing to go along with what her dude wants.  Let's be honest we've all made some questionable decisions when it comes to love and keeping your man happy.  Also, their relationship is highly publicized; hence, they really get the people going when they step out looking like opulence and a good time.  Therefore, having everyone believe that he styles her just makes people thirsty to see more potential fashion faux pas.  If my boyfriend had a good eye for fashion and wanted to buy me an entire wardrobe of clothes just so that I can look good for him I don't think I would knock it.  Again some of us have sacrificed far more for far less of a man (let's be real here).  Now would I let my dude throw ALL of my clothes away? Probably not, but I would certainly oblige him from time to time and dress in a way that's appealing to him.  I'm not quick to knock anyone for their decisions in love or fashion.  If it looks good to you and it makes you happy, do you.  So what if you go out with your bare ass showing (no shade but we did see her whole ass).  If you like it I love it. What do you think?

Fall Trend: Sporty Chic

I love it when looks collide.  One of my favorite trends this season combines the sporty look of sneakers, loose fit pants, sweatshirts, camouflage and caps with the feminine touch of gold accessories, heels, and fitted leather.  The key to pulling off this look is playing with volumes.  If you do a fitted top, do a loose fit bottom. If you're doing a loose fit top, add a fitted bottom.  Playing with different patterns adds a grunge feel to your look as well. I for one am a huge fan of this look, because it coincides with my personality: ultra girly with a little bit of boy like swag (or so I've been told).  Teyana Taylor is the queen of switching up her swag from uber feminine to super sporty, and on occasion she effortlessly combines the two.  Here are some looks for inspiration of your own as well as some of my favorite looks from Ms. Taylor herself.