Monday, February 25, 2013

New, New Nicki!

When Nicki Minaj first came on the music scene as a female rapper she dressed very urban and safe.  As she achieved more success and recognition as a legitimate female rapper we saw her develop a more avant garde look.  She became known for flamboyant wigs, colorful cartoon-like ensembles, and the like.  As of late; however, Ms. Minaj has been seen in more ready to wear looks.  Nicki's new look could be the result of a few things.  First, it is rumored that she is now working with a new wardrobe stylist which could be why we are seeing her in more wearable looks.  Second, she and her long time wig stylist parted ways a few months ago.  Third, her new American Idol gig along with her Pepsi endorsement have put her in a new mainstream arena, and she could be trying to rebrand herself.  Either way, the new look is working for her.  What do you think?

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